Minggu, 03 Mei 2015

Characteristics And Causes Of Bowel Cancer

Cancer is a disease that is very dangerous, especially when it reached such an advanced stage 3-4. Cancer is a disease caused by the growth of abnormal cells in the body. In case of abnormal cell growth on the skin called skin cancers, and cancers that we discuss here is bowel cancer. Yes, colon cancer is caused due to the growth of abnormal cells in your gut.

Bowel cancer there are actually two kinds of IE "colon cancer" and "smooth" bowel cancer, but the cancer that often occurs is the cancer of the colon. Colon cancer is the growth of cells that are not normal in the colon cancer cell growth or scary on the surface of the colon or rectum.

Characteristics and causes of bowel cancer

For signs of colon cancer is not yet in the meticulous definitively because everyone will vary depending on how long the disease has lodged in your gut and other factors. As for signs or symptoms generally as:

  1. Bleeding in the colon that are marked with the discovery of blood in stool during bowel movements.
  2. Changes in bowel function (constipation or diarrhea) with no apparent reason, more than six weeks.
  3. Weight loss for no apparent reason
  4. Pain in the abdomen or the back.
  5. Abdomen still feels full despite his bowel movements. Feeling tired of the constant
  6. Cancer can sometimes be a hindrance in the large intestine that looks at some of the symptoms such as constipation, pain, and a sense of bloating in the stomach.
  7. Out of blood from the anus
  8. and usually the weight going down

The Cause Of Colon Cancer

The cause of colon cancer is also not yet known for sure, but according to information from doktersehat.com there are some things that are thought to be potentially frightening disease conjures up strong, namely: how the wrong diet (too much to consume foods high in fat and protein, and low in fiber), obesity (overweight), never exposed to colon cancer, came from a family that has a history of colon cancer, polyps in the intestines has ever, age (the risk increases at the age above 50 years old), rarely doing physical activity, often exposed to food preservatives or dyes are not for food, and smoking.

Prevention and treatment of

For prevention of bowel cancer itself most of all is the fibrous food consuming high, because it is very good for relieving a variety of toxins that are in your gut, so the risk of incidence of abnormal cells in your intestine will decrease or even no if coupled with additional supplements such as calcium, vitamin E, d. additional Supplements you can get from fresh fruits and avoid smoke too. Because according to a study of smoking can also cause cancer of the bowel with the possibility of 1-3 times more easily affected by colon cancer than people who do not smoke.

If you are already a positive hit by colon cancer, there are 3 possibilities of what you can do:
Local operations and polypectomy, however, this operation can be done while still at the early stage.
Bowel surgery, when patients have been admitted at the early stage, and on the action to use this prenatal on the belly and then the affected colon cancer is removed and then attached again.
Resection and colostomy are done after surgery that is done to the healing process.
Early detection can also prevent colon cancer

Early detection is the investigation on the individual is asymptomatic (without symptoms) which aims to detect the presence of the disease in the early stages so that it can be made curative therapy. With the probe early on, you can find out whether there is something that does not face at your gut if known can be immediately treated so "precancerous" does not become an advanced stage. It would be easier to treat bowel cancer if it is still at an early stage. Don't forget also to keep healthy life patterns, because the pattern of healthy living with the risk of experiencing a wide range of diseases will be lower than your wanton life patterns.

Learn About The Types Of Epilepsy

Find out more detail that epilepsy need, especially for parents with children, persons with epilepsy. Because with enough knowledge, such information can make people with epilepsy get the right epilepsy treatment and maximum. So, it is very likely a faster recovery and improved quality of life so much.

Get To Know The Disease Epilepsy

Many people assume that the disease epilepsy also known as it has only one type of seizure. Whereas, the epilepsy itself has a number of own-classification, where the seizure is an epileptic who was second on the classification. Keep in mind, epilepsy can overwrite the one caused by the electrical activity of neurons in the brain that are abnormal and exaggerated, until the konk ret NYA brings up a recurring epilepsy rising generation without provocation or cause from outside.
Epilepsy or also known as epilepsy can be caused or triggered by a bacteria or virus and even symptoms of epilepsy can be muted with the help of the people who are around the sufferer.
Epilepsy can occur in anyone although from lines no one ever experienced epileptic.Epilepsy can not infectious to others because it is only an interruption of the brain.

Learn About The Types Of Epilepsy

Idiopathic Generalized Epilepsy
In this case, there is often a family history of having epilepsy. Idiopathic generalized epilepsy tends to appear during childhood or adolescence, although it may not be diagnosed until adulthood. This type of epilepsy does not show any abnormalities of the nervous system (brain or spinal cord) that can be identified either by the EEGstudies or study images (MRI), in addition to the seizures. The structural results of normal brain MRI scan of the brain on, even though the study showed no scars or subtle changes in the brain that might have existed since birth.

Idiopathic generalized epilepsy sufferers have normal intelligence and neurological tests and the results of an MRI is usually normal. Results of electroencephalogram(EEG, a test that measures electrical impulses in the brain) may indicate a release epileptic affecting throughout the brain (called the public release).

Types of seizures that affect patients with idiopathic generalized epilepsy may include:

Strain Myoclonic (the extreme Jolt that occurs suddenly and very short duration).
Seizures are not aware (blank stare).
Tonic-clonic generalized seizure (grand mal seizure).
Idiopathic generalized epilepsy is usually treated with medication. Some people can overcome this condition and stopped having seizures, as is the case with epilepsy was not aware on childhood and a large number of patients with epilepsy myoclonic teens.

Petit Mal Epilepsy
Petit mal epilepsy is epilepsy which causes impaired consciousness suddenly, where such a person becomes unconscious at a loose end without reaction to anything, and after a while can return to normal activities again.

Epilepsy Grand Mall
Grand mal epilepsy is epilepsy that occurs suddenly, where the sufferer lost consciousness and then convulsed with breath reads nook and pulled out of the mouth of foam or froth.

Epilepsy Myoclonic Juvenil
Epilepsy myoclonic Juvenil is epilepsy which results in the occurrence of the contraction is short on one or more of the muscles from the light are not visible until the Yanks like to fall suddenly, throwing objects that held all of a sudden, and so on.

Idiopathic Partial Epilepsy
Idiopathic Partial epilepsy beginning in childhood between the ages of 5 and 8 years and there may be a family history who has epilepsy. Epilepsy is also known as benign focal epilepsy of childhood (BFEC), epilepsy is considered one of the mildest epilepsy. Epilepsy is almost always missing when it was puberty and never diagnosed in adults.

Seizures tend to occur during sleep and most often a simple partial motor seizures involving the face and public secondary seizure (grand mal). The type of epilepsy is usually diagnosed by EEG.

Simple Partial Epilepsy
Simple partial epilepsy is epilepsy that is not accompanied by lost of consciousness with the symptoms of seizures, tingling or feeling invulnerable in a place that takes place in a matter of minutes or hours.

Complex Partial Epilepsy
Complex partial epilepsy is epilepsy that is accompanied by impaired consciousness, beginning with a simple but partial symptoms coupled with hallucinations, disruption of memory, such as an empty dream, thoughts, etc. This can cause a type of epilepsy sufferers daydreaming, running aimlessly, speaking something repeated, and so forth (automatism).
General Symptomatic Epilepsy
Symptomatic Generalized epilepsy caused by widespread brain damage. Injury during birth is the most common cause of Symptomatic Generalized Epilepsy. In addition to seizures, patients often experience other neurological problems, such as mental retardation or cerebral palsy. The specific cause such as disease of the brain that is inherited, such as adrenoleukodystrophy (ADL) or brain infections (such as meningitis and encephalitis) can also lead to Symptomatic Epilepsy is common. When Symptomatic Epilepsy causes the public cannot be identified, the disorder may be referred to as epilepsy cryptogenic. This type of epilepsy requiring different subtypes, which are most commonly known is the Lennox-Gastaut syndrome.

Various types of seizures (tonic-clonic seizures, tonic, myoclonic, tonic, atonic seizures, and unknowingly) is common in these patients and can be difficult to control it.

Symptomatic Partial Epilepsy
Symptomatic Partial epilepsy (or focal) is the most common type of epilepsy beginning in adulthood, but epilepsy also often occur in children. This type of epilepsy is caused by an abnormality of the brain, the premises may be a result of a stroke, tumor, trauma, innate brain kelvin (belonged to since birth), grated or "sclerosis" on brain tissue, cysts, or infection.

Sometimes these brain abnormalities can be seen on an MRI scan, but often the disorder cannot be identified even if performed repeatedly due to microscopic size.

That's some types of epilepsy. However, on a further stage epilepsy, this could make someone immediately unconscious with convulsions and epilepsy generation cause that already cannot be detected or in other words have entered the classification of Epileptic Seizures Unclassified.

Chronic epilepsy may occur and it is very possible, i.e. when people with epilepsy in the passage of time not given terrain or handling. So a lot of neurons in the brain are damaged and the rise of epilepsy so uncontrolled again and appears lightly themselves. For that, it needs a proper and epilepsy medications safe for children, adults or pregnant women.